Write a story about a werewolf.
Why are they a werewolf?
How do they deal with there werewolfism?
What happens when others find out?
Write a story about a werewolf.
Why are they a werewolf?
How do they deal with there werewolfism?
What happens when others find out?
Write a story that contains a werewolf.
Why does the story contain a werewolf?
Who is the werewolf?
What kind of settings can you use of change to make use of the werewolf?
Take the story from yesterday(if you did not write one do it now) and replace the creature you used with one of the other two.
Does the story still work?
What needs to change to make the story work?
Why would one creature work in one situation more than another?
Write a story from the point of view of either a witch, a werewolf, or a vampire.
What happens in the story?
Does the creature win? Getaway?
What can make an interesting story?
Write a story about a werewolf and Halloween.
Write a story about a werewolf.
From what point of view is the story?
How can the werewolf hide in plain site?
Write a story of a werewolf.
How does the werewolf hide?
Does the werewolf hide?
do they do something that helps others? or do they harm?
Create a character from the image below.
Werewolf 3 by ~aaronsimscompany on deviantART