Create a character that is in some way born of water.
How are they considered born of water?
How does this affect them in their life?
What choices and chances do they have because of it?
Create a character that is in some way born of water.
How are they considered born of water?
How does this affect them in their life?
What choices and chances do they have because of it?
Write a story about how the image below came to be.
Wet by DanOstergren on deviantART
Take the story from yesterday and rewrite the story from the other side of the invasion.
Does the story work from the new point of view?
Does the story become something more from the new point of view?
Write a story using the race from yesterday and the world the day before and have humans invade.
Create a race that would have evolved on the world yesterday. If you did not create a world yesterday create it now.
Create a world that is mostly composed of water.
What kind of life exists on that world?
Why would any one be interested in going there?