Create a world in which magic and technology exist at the same time.
How as the existence of the two influenced each other?
How does this world look futuristic, or savage?
What kinds of rules govern technology and magic in this world?
Create a world in which magic and technology exist at the same time.
How as the existence of the two influenced each other?
How does this world look futuristic, or savage?
What kinds of rules govern technology and magic in this world?
Create a world that has build technology based only one fire.
Why do they base their technology on fire?
How has this change there progression?
What happens if they become space fairing?
Write a story that takes the magic/technology from yesterday where it is used in some way.
How is this magic/technology described?
Why would this be added to a story?
How can this tie a story together?
Extra credit: do you see how one thing can be used to begin world building?
Take the magic system from yesterday and come up with technology that could do it with little change in how the system looks.
How is this switch possible?
How can advanced enough technology look like magic?
Is there something entrancing about being able to use technology as magic?
Write a story about someone that receives some piece of clothing that changes how they look.
Why does the clothing change how they look?
How does this clothing change there life?
What happens when they try to remove the piece of clothing?
Is the change magical or technology based?
Create a race that is defined by one type of technology, and is a descendant of the human race.
What technology are they defined by ? (ex: cloning, cybernetics, robotics, genetics,…)
Why did the become defined by that?
What effect does being defined by that technology have on their development/evolution?
Take the best plot from yesterday and write a story about it. If you did not brainstorm any conflicts yesterday do it now.
Does this conflict lead to a good story?
Is the story missing something?
Would more or less characters help the story?
Would more or less conflict help?
What could you change about the plot to make it better?
Brainstorm possible conflicts that the character created yesterday would cause/run into.
What kinds of things can you see being problems?
Is the character really helping create theses conflicts?
What can you change about character to create conflict?
Take the traits from yesterday and create a character from them. if you did not do yesterdays brainstorm go and do it now.
It the character’s life shaped by the traits? or is the character shaping the traits?
How does the character differ from the rest of there race?
What conflicts can you see coming from this character and the rest of there race?
Brainstorm character traits that people from the race created yesterday would have. if you did not create a race create it now.
Are they just like humans? or do they have some traits that are quite different?
How do theses traits shape the culture? how does the culture shape the traits?
What trait do you most identify with?