Write a story about someone that is fighting against something only to become just like the ones they fight.
Who are they fighting and why?
How does the fighting change the character?
Why are they fighting?
Write a story about someone that is fighting against something only to become just like the ones they fight.
Who are they fighting and why?
How does the fighting change the character?
Why are they fighting?
Create a character that has one eye.
Why do they have one eye?
How does this one eye affect their life?
How does the one eye affect those around them?
Write a story about someone new showing up that has the potential to change everything.
What kind of change can that someone cause?
What are people trying to protect?
What happens if the change does happen.
Write a story about a human being dropped in the middle of the race with one gender you created yesterday. (if you did not create the race do it now)
How does the human perceive the people of this race? What gender do they see?
How do people of the one gender race react to the human?
Do the people try and change the human?
Create a race that has only one gender.
How do they procreate? How does the population increase?
Why is there only one gender?
How has the one gender shaped there society?
Create a world that is based around one rule.
What is the rule? (examples; everyone in the world is over 1000 years old, everyone in the world looks the same, no one talks to each other…)
How does this one rule affect the world as a whole?
What kinds of conflicts can this world have?