Write a story about someone that creates masks to hide behind.
Why do they create masks to hide behind?
What happens when they don’t have a mask?
How do others get through the mask?
Write a story about someone that creates masks to hide behind.
Why do they create masks to hide behind?
What happens when they don’t have a mask?
How do others get through the mask?
Write a story about someone that needs to keep an mask on to be able to interact with the world.
Why do they need to keep the mask on?
What happens if the mask is removed?
How do others treat this behavior?
Write a story about someone that has a mask.
What kind of mask do they have?
Why do they have this mask?
How do they use this mask?
Write a story about someone that puts on a mask that begins to take over them.
What happens the first time they put the mask on?
Do they want to keep putting it on/keep it on?
What happens to them when separated from the mask?
Write a story about a mask that will change people’s lives.
How does the mask change people’s lives?
Why does it change people’s lives?
Is it just a mask or is it special in some way?
Create a character that can only interact with people when they are wearing a mask.
Why do they have trouble interacting with people?
Why do they feel like the mask is better?
Is there any way to get them from behind the mask?
Write a story about someone that changes when they put a mask on.
How do they change when they put the mask on?
Why do they change when the put the mask on?
Is the change good or bad? Is the change reversible?
Write a story about someone that puts on a mask and cannot take it off.
What mask do they put on?
Why do they put it on?
Why cant they take it off?
What does the mask do to there physiology?
Write a story about someone that has to ware a mask.
Why do they were a mask?
Why are they only able to ware a mask?