Create a character that is more like a bird than a human.
Why are they more like a bird?
Do they get along with birds, or humans better?
How do others react to this character?
Create a character that is more like a bird than a human.
Why are they more like a bird?
Do they get along with birds, or humans better?
How do others react to this character?
Create a wild man character.
Why are they a wild man?
What do they see others as?
Are they really wild?
Write a story about the following image.
Why are they in the mud?
How do they get away from that situation?
Mattias B 10 by MarcShort on deviantART
Write a story about a blind man.
Why are they blind?
How do they ‘see’ the world?
What is the story really about?
Create a character that is half fish and half man.
How did they come to be that way?
How much do they like being a fish man?
Would they change if they could?
Write a story about a god that is waging war on man.
How does man react?
What does the god do to man?
Why does the god not just wipe out man?
Write the Character from yesterday (if you did not create him do it now) into some story.
What kinds of story could you put this character in?
Can the Character’s backstory change to make it fit other genres?
Create a character from the following image.
Could he be a main character? a guide?
Lion Man by ~ballisticCow on deviantART
Write a story about an old man that has hidden his whole life from the world, but to protect something he loves he has to go out into the world he hid from.
What is it he loves?
Why does he hide?
What can make his struggle more heartfelt?
Take the man animal character from yesterday and write a story about someone meeting them for the fist time.