Write a story about someone that has a dirty job.
Why do they have to do the dirty job?
What is the dirty job?
How does the dirty job affect them?
Write a story about someone that has a dirty job.
Why do they have to do the dirty job?
What is the dirty job?
How does the dirty job affect them?
Write a story of some one that got a job to accomplish some evil end.
What job did they get?
What evil end are they going for?
Why would getting that job be important?
Write a story about the character you created yesterday(if you did not create one create one now) losing the job they love.
What are they willing to do to keep it?
Why did they lose it?
What is the after affects to the character to have such a big change in there lives?
Create a character that loves their job.
What job do they do?
Why do they love there job?
Are they defined by there job? or do they define the job?
Write a story about a person breaking free of there desk job and becoming something else.
What do they change?
What is needed to change to make a good life?
What problems do they run into
Create a character that is stuck behind a desk 8 hours a day.
Does the desk job affect how they look?
Does the desk job affect how they live the rest of there lives?
Do they look for a way to be free?
Do they only dream or do they do something about it?
Write a story that is about someone fighting anything and everything to get free of a dead end job.
what do they do to get free?
how much of a risk is what they do?