Write a story about a group of people trying to survive in a wasteland.
Who is the group of people?
Why are they in the wasteland?
What happens if they find their way out? Can they find their way out?
Write a story about a group of people trying to survive in a wasteland.
Who is the group of people?
Why are they in the wasteland?
What happens if they find their way out? Can they find their way out?
Write a story about someone that must do something to be accepted by a group.
What kind of group is it?
What is the group wanting them to do?
Why do they not want to do it?
What does the group do for the the person?
Write a story of a group of friends, going on some adventure.
Write a story about a situation, group, activity, or place you know nothing about.
One rule, no research. You must make up all you know about this situation, group, activity, or place.
When you are done research the situation, group, activity, or place and then ask yourself these questions: