Create a character that has at least 2 personalities living in the same body.
How would you twist your writing to reflect this?
Create a character that has at least 2 personalities living in the same body.
How would you twist your writing to reflect this?
Create a character that has a secret that if exposed would ruin his life or put his life in danger.
Create a heroine not a hero.
If all you create is heroines create a hero.
Create a Character from the following image.
Stump by ~NMRosario on deviantART
Create a character that is a bloodthirsty tyrant.
Create a character that is fascinated by something and how that fascination rules their lives.
What does it do to their lives?
How does it change their relationships with people?
What lengths are they willing to get close to/do this something they are fascinated with?
Create a character that is a princess.
How does shes fit into the stereotype?
How does she oppose the stereotype?
Can you make a better story to change the world she lives in or change the princess?
Create a character that the first few times they appears to be a flat character, but then develops into something more than they appear.
How would this transition happen?
Would there be hints of the future, or would it be hidden to keep the surprise?
Create a character that is a master/teacher a role model for the main character.
How does this character affect the main character?
Would there be better people to use?
Could this role model be leading the main character astray?
Take a character that you never planned to make a main character of a story and write a story about them.
Why does this happen to the character?
What happens to the character?