Create a character that is always happy.
Why are they always happy?
Do they get on the nerves of others?
How do they stay happy in the sight of the worst situations?
Create a character that is always happy.
Why are they always happy?
Do they get on the nerves of others?
How do they stay happy in the sight of the worst situations?
Create a character that has modified their body to some extreme level.
What Kinds of body mod have they done to them selves?
How long have they been changing their bodies?
How have the dealt with changes they did not like?
Create a character that has all of time and space to command.
Why do they command all time and space?
Do they interfere with others in this time and space?
What do they do if they don’t?
Create a god/character that has been reinvented through many cultures that created them.
What is the list of cultures that created that god/character?
Why did the cultures steal this god/character?
example: zuse was greek, jupiter was roman,
Create a charter that loves the cold.
Why does the character like the cold?
What does the character do in the cold?
Do others around them see why they enjoy it so?
Create a character that is ever the victim.
Why are they the victim? Is it there decisions, or there lot in life?
What does being the victim do to there life?
Would this charter make a better lead or some passing flat character?
Write a story about someone that has to ware a mask.
Why do they were a mask?
Why are they only able to ware a mask?
Create a character that loves their job.
What job do they do?
Why do they love there job?
Are they defined by there job? or do they define the job?
Create a character from the image below.
Henry by *megan7 on deviantART
Create a character from the image below.
Suit and Hat by ~Cobweb-stock on deviantART