Create a character that is a druggy.
How did they become a druggy?
Why do they take the drugs they do?
What drugs do they take?
Create a character that is a druggy.
How did they become a druggy?
Why do they take the drugs they do?
What drugs do they take?
Create a character that is a superheroine.
What characteristics can a superheroine have that makes them interesting?
How can this superheroine be challenged?
How will she overcome her challenges?
Create a character that is a mad man.
Why are they mad?
How does it this affect their life?
What happens if they are not mad?
Create a character that is a mutant.
What makes them a mutant?
Are they able to hide it? Why would they hide it?
What kind of effects do they have on others around them?
Write a story that focuses on one defined character.
Why would a story written with a defined character work?
Why would focusing on one character help a story?
What can be done with point of view with this story?
Create a character that will go to any lengths to improve themselves.
What are they improving?
What lengths are they willing to go?
What happens if they go too far?
Create a character that is a Guardian.
What do they guard?
Why do they guard it?
What do they get out of guarding it?
Create a character that’s life has been shaped by destiny.
What destiny do they have?
How has this destiny shaped their life?
What effects has it had on those around them?
Create a character from the following image.
T-shirt sample III by DIVASOFT on DeviantArt
Who is it?
Why are they so excited?
What are they doing?
Create a character that uses drugs to get what they want.
Why do they use drugs?
What is it they want?
How do they use it?