Take the group of characters from yesterday and write a story of them interacting.
How do you show many views?
How can things be changed to make it more interesting?
Take the group of characters from yesterday and write a story of them interacting.
How do you show many views?
How can things be changed to make it more interesting?
Create a group of 5 characters that are friends.
make sure that the following criteria is met:
What happens if you change the criteria?
What happens if you add/subtract criteria?
Is there a point at which things can be too much?
Create a character that is a dad.
How would you describe the dad’s relationship with his kids?
What is the father willing to do for the kids?
Create a character that for some reason disaster follows them. Tho the disaster never quite affects the character.
Create a character that has telepathic power.
Do others Have this power? What makes this character different from others?
How does this power complicate life?
Create a female character that a woman or girl could relate to or would know.
Create a character that is an intelligent animal.
Are They more intelligent than man?
Are they able to understand man?
Do they interact with man?
Create a Character that is a Soldier.
How deeply are they a solder? through and through, or were one for just a time?
Create a story about a person that is half man half animal.
Do they hide from the world? or does the world know about them?
Why are they the way they are?
What makes them special besides being half animal?