Write a story about someone that has hit bottom. has been beaten, and brutalized by the world and one person coming in and changing their life.
Why does the one person help?
Why does the person need help?
How does the help change both people?
Write a story about someone that has hit bottom. has been beaten, and brutalized by the world and one person coming in and changing their life.
Why does the one person help?
Why does the person need help?
How does the help change both people?
Write a story of a person that wakes from a coma, and comes back to family and friends acting different than they did before. Write the story from the point of view of coma patent.
What is so odd about what is going on?
Is there something sinister going on?
How could you make the story more interesting?
How does this story compare to yesterdays? (if you write yesterdays)
Write a story of a person that wakes from a coma, and comes back doing and saying things that is odd compared to before the coma. Write the story from the point of view of one of the family.
What is so odd about what is going on?
Is there something sinister going on?
How could you make the story more interesting?
Write a story using the World you created yesterday. (If you did not create a world create it now)
How does changing the one fact change the people in the world?
How can changing something simple like that increase/decrease interest in a story?
Write a story where every time the main character goes to sleep the world and the character has changed.
Why is this happening?
Why does no one else see it? or do they?
Why can this be interesting?
Write a story in which one thing in the main character’s life has changed and how they react to it.
Why do they react they way they do?
Does it bother them that no one else can see it?
Is there something about this change that the main character does not like?
Write a story where the main character wakes up one day having one thing in their life they regreted.
how does this one change affect there lives? (winning the game, turns there life into something worse. getting the girl, they find they regret it now.)
how can you add more twists into the story?
Pick a date in history and make/change an important event and write how said event would change after that.