Brainstorm things that people would want to hide from the world.
Is it because they are so different?
They are from some place?
They feel inferior?
Take the superior character from yesterday (if you did not create one do it now.) and brainstorm ideas of how others can miniplate them.
Brainstorm ideas for using a character night mare from yesterday.
Is it prophecy?
Is it reoccurring?
Is it foreshadowing?
how can use use that story of a nightmare in a bigger story?
Brainstorm ideas of personality traits.
What personality do you come up with?
Is there a reverse personality trait? if not then why not?
Brainstorm ideas for female leading characters.
Who are they?
Are they just a cliche?
Are they people?
How can you make them more believable?
Brains tom ideas for writing a story with more than one main character.
Brainstorm possible conflicts that the character created yesterday would cause/run into.
What kinds of things can you see being problems?
Is the character really helping create theses conflicts?
What can you change about character to create conflict?
Brainstorm character traits that people from the race created yesterday would have. if you did not create a race create it now.
Are they just like humans? or do they have some traits that are quite different?
How do theses traits shape the culture? how does the culture shape the traits?
What trait do you most identify with?
Brainstorm some random plots.
How are they related?
How are they different?
Brainstorm character traits of the lead singer of a band.