Write a story about someone that is being tortured.
How are they tortured? Do other inflict it or see it?
Why are they tortured?
How does this affect this person?
Write a story about someone that is being tortured.
How are they tortured? Do other inflict it or see it?
Why are they tortured?
How does this affect this person?
Create a character that has sculpted the body.
How long have they sculpted their body?
What kind of toll has that taken on their friends and family?
How far are they willing to go to get what they want?
Write a story where the people have modified their bodies to the point that they could be considered less human.
Why have they modified their bodies?
How far have they been willing to go? and how far are they willing to go?
How do others react to them?
The main character wakes up in a new body, what happens next?
Why do they wake up in a new body?
How do they react?
What happens to those around the person with the new body?
Create a Character that has some power, and when they use this power it has some effect on their body.
What is the power?
What is the effect? Is it good or bad?
How does this power affect them?
How did they acquire this power?
Write a story about someone getting an upgrade to there body.
Why are they getting the upgrade?
How does it feel to get the upgrade?
What kind of upgrade is it?
What happens if the upgrade is not technology?
Create a world in which upgrading your body is a normal thing.
Why is upgrading your body considered ok?
How did they get to this point?
What happens if they upgrade there body too much?
Create a character that has done some kind of upgrade on there body.
What kind of upgrade do they do?
Why do they do the upgrade?
How do others take this upgrade?
Write a story about someone that has an unusual body temperature.
Is there body temperature higher or lower than normal?
Why do they have an unusual body temperature?
How does this change there life?
Create a character that has sacrificed all parts of their body to become more powerful.
Why have they had to sacrifice parts of there body?
Is is by technology, magic, or something else?