Take today and write on your own story, if you don’t have a story use the archive to create one.
Nasty Storm
Write a story about weathering a particularly nasty storm.
The Storm by ~Elizabeth-May on deviantART
Write a story about a werewolf.
From what point of view is the story?
How can the werewolf hide in plain site?
Mismatched Lovers
Write a story about two mismatched lovers getting a long.
Do they stay together?
If they are so mismatched how do they stay together?
Out of Place
Write a story about a Daemon that is trying to live like a normal human.
Meeting Yourself
Write a story about meeting yourself.
Do you annoy yourself?
Do you realize what is going on?
How do you meet yourself?
Zoot Suit
Create a character from the image below.
Suit and Hat by ~Cobweb-stock on deviantART
Free Write
Take today and write on your own story, if you don’t have a story use the archive to create one.
Segregated by Age Story
Write a story based in the world you created yesterday. (if you did not create one create it now)
Segregated by Age
Create a world in which people are segregated by their age.
What is it like when people start getting older?
What happens to family?