Write a story about some one wakening up after being in a bad accident.
Statue View
Write a story from the point of view of a statue watching the people in the town they live in.
More than one
Brains tom ideas for writing a story with more than one main character.
Right Lost
Write a story about some one that writes with there right hand, and through an event (accident, disease…) they lose that arm.
How does the characters handle this event?
Is the story gripping, interesting, or thought provoking?
How can you make this story better?
Secret Life Found
Take the character from yesterday and write a story about the two separate lives colliding.
How does the charter react?
How do the lives differ?
What is the reaction by other characters to the two separate lives?
Walked Away
Create a character that has simply gotten up and left there old life behind.
What reason did they leave there old life?
How do they shape there new Lives?
Do they ever go back to there old life?
Free Write
Take today and write on your own story, if you don’t have a story use the archive to create one.
Chasing Beauty
Write a story about someone’s journey chasing beauty.
Right before the end open hidden twist and apply to story:
Hidden Twist
The beauty they have been chasing is no longer considered beautiful.
Alien Alive
Write a story in which an alien is trying to hide in plan site on earth.
What does the alien do to hid?
What is the alien running from?
What happens to the Humans the alien befriends?
Tree Rings
Create a Race that has some physical anomaly for each year they live. (example trees have a ring for each year they live)
What if this physical anomaly is always visible?
How does one of this race hide there age?
what would seeing someone’s age affect the society?