Write a story about someone that is a genus, but wants love in there life.
How do they go about finding love? Does it work?
Why do they want love?
How can they find love? And what things stand in there way?
Write a story about someone that is a genus, but wants love in there life.
How do they go about finding love? Does it work?
Why do they want love?
How can they find love? And what things stand in there way?
Write a love story where, the woman is smarter than the man.
Why is the woman smarter?
How is she smarter? How do you show this?
Does the man take being dumber?
Is all this a problem the two cant work through?
Create a race that has no need to procreate, but do any way.
Why do they not need to procreate?
Why do they procreate?
How does this affect the development of there race?
Is there a price fore procreating?
Write a story about someone that wants something, but cant have it because that something will kill them.
What is that something? (person, object, animal,…)
Why will it kill them?
Why is it they want it?
How can this want be expressed without words?
Take the character from yesterday (if you did not create one create it now) and write a story about them?
What can make a character that has so much interesting to read?
Do they have control of their ultimate power?
Do they have a duty?
Do they have fear?
Create a character that has some kind of ultimate power.
Why do they have this power?
How doe they use it?
How has this power tainted/changed there life?
Do they like enjoy the power? Or despise the power?
Take today and write on your own story, if you don’t have a story use the archive to create one.
Write a story about a scientist of the future witnessing something great.
What is the scientist witnessing?
Why are the whitinising it?
What was there goal?
How do others react to what the scientist witnessed?
Write a story about someone that is addicted to something.
What are they addicted to? Is it something we see as iniquitous or a drug?
Why are they addicted to this something?
How does this addition affect there lives?
What can they do to break the addition?
Do others take this drug?
Write a story about the human race being pushed into smaller and smaller area to live.
What happens to people when the shrink happens?
Why is the shrink happening?
How does society change to handle the shrink?