Create a god/character that has been reinvented through many cultures that created them.
What is the list of cultures that created that god/character?
Why did the cultures steal this god/character?
example: zuse was greek, jupiter was roman,
Take a character and write about them.
Create a god/character that has been reinvented through many cultures that created them.
What is the list of cultures that created that god/character?
Why did the cultures steal this god/character?
example: zuse was greek, jupiter was roman,
Create a character that is that crazy cat lady you use to know. The important part is the write down the history that lead to that crazy cat lady.
What happened that to make her the way she was?
What did she do that pushed her to that situation?
Create a character that has something that he dreads to do.
What is this thing they dread to do?
Why do they dread to do it?
How do they go about avoiding this thing?
Create a character that loves the heat. Loves the heat so much that they will go into danger to get close to the heat.
What does the character do for a living?
Why do they love heat?
Are they always burning themselves?
What does the have a personality like the heat?
Create a charter that loves the cold.
Why does the character like the cold?
What does the character do in the cold?
Do others around them see why they enjoy it so?
Create a character that is ever the victim.
Why are they the victim? Is it there decisions, or there lot in life?
What does being the victim do to there life?
Would this charter make a better lead or some passing flat character?
Create a character that has sacrificed all parts of their body to become more powerful.
Why have they had to sacrifice parts of there body?
Is is by technology, magic, or something else?
Write a story about someone that has to ware a mask.
Why do they were a mask?
Why are they only able to ware a mask?
Create a character that loves their job.
What job do they do?
Why do they love there job?
Are they defined by there job? or do they define the job?
Create a character that is a monster.