Create a character that is a mirror of those around them.
Why are they a mirror to others?
How are they a mirror to others?
How does this affect there friends and life?
Take a character and write about them.
Create a character that is a mirror of those around them.
Why are they a mirror to others?
How are they a mirror to others?
How does this affect there friends and life?
Create a character that has a life full of pain.
Why do they have a life of pain?
What do they try to do to release the pain?
How has having this pain there whole life changed there life?
Create a character that would be described as a “Tough Guy.”
Why do others see him as a tough guy?
Is there something he is hiding that would not make him a Tough Guy if others knew?
What is the “Tough Guy” hiding?
Create a Character that has done something they believe they can be forgiven for.
What did they do?
Why cant they be forgiven?
How does this affect the rest of there life?
Create a character that has modified their body to some extreme level.
What Kinds of body mod have they done to them selves?
How long have they been changing their bodies?
How have the dealt with changes they did not like?
Create a Character that has done something unlawful and is on the run.
Do they know they are on the run or do they have friends that are trying to help them?
Did they really do it or were they framed?
Why would they have been framed?
What things in there life have changed because they are on the run?
Create a character that has all of time and space to command.
Why do they command all time and space?
Do they interfere with others in this time and space?
What do they do if they don’t?
Create a character that is stuck in some place they hate.
Why are they stuck there?
Why do they hate the place?
What does make this character like?
Create a character that is more interested in an object then the life that is going on around them.
Why do they care so much for the object?
What is the object?
What are they willing to lose for the object?