Write a story about someone waking up after a wild night of partying and having to go back and discover what happened the night befor.
Author: russellr
Wild Party
Write a story about someone attending a wild party.
Party Ideas
Brainstorm wild ideas for parties.
Write a story about someone waking up to having been change to a cyborg.
Why were they changed?
Did they want it?
What happens next to them?
Group Story
Take the group of characters from yesterday and write a story of them interacting.
How do you show many views?
How can things be changed to make it more interesting?
Group of Friends
Create a group of 5 characters that are friends.
make sure that the following criteria is met:
- One character is in love with another.
- One character is jealous of another.
- One character is vain and has a reason to be that way.
- One character is silent.
- One character is hiding a dangerous secret.
What happens if you change the criteria?
What happens if you add/subtract criteria?
Is there a point at which things can be too much?
Free Write
Take today and write on your own story, if you don’t have a story use the archive to create one.
World Facts Story
Write a story using the World you created yesterday. (If you did not create a world create it now)
How does changing the one fact change the people in the world?
How can changing something simple like that increase/decrease interest in a story?
Changing the World Facts
Create a world build around one fact.
Hot and Cold are switched.
Gravity pushes instead of pulls.
Men and women rolls are switched.
The Pain
Write a story about someone in pain and no one around them believe they have the pain.
Why do others not believe the person?
What are the pains?
Are they really in pain or not?