Write a story about two mismatched lovers getting a long.
Do they stay together?
If they are so mismatched how do they stay together?
Write a story about two mismatched lovers getting a long.
Do they stay together?
If they are so mismatched how do they stay together?
Write a story about a Daemon that is trying to live like a normal human.
Write a story about meeting yourself.
Do you annoy yourself?
Do you realize what is going on?
How do you meet yourself?
Create a character from the image below.
Suit and Hat by ~Cobweb-stock on deviantART
Take today and write on your own story, if you don’t have a story use the archive to create one.
Write a story based in the world you created yesterday. (if you did not create one create it now)
Create a world in which people are segregated by their age.
What is it like when people start getting older?
What happens to family?
Write a story about 3 old friends that are reminiscing about the past.
Write a story about someone that is consumed in doing something.
What are they consumed with? (EX: working, playing, movies, writing, Motorcycles, Saving the world…)
How does this thing consume there life and there relationships?
Is there any positive that comes from this obsession? or is it all negative?
Write the Character from yesterday (if you did not create him do it now) into some story.
What kinds of story could you put this character in?
Can the Character’s backstory change to make it fit other genres?