Create a race that looks, acts, and as evil as Demons.
how does there society work?
would it relay work?
What kind of fun situations could you get your main character into by putting them in with this race?
Create a race that looks, acts, and as evil as Demons.
how does there society work?
would it relay work?
What kind of fun situations could you get your main character into by putting them in with this race?
Create a character that is some kind of spin-off of a comic book character.
What makes yours better?
What makes yours different?
Does yours have flaws?
Take today and write on your own story, if you don’t have a story use the archive to create one.
Take world from yesterday, if you did not do a world from yesterday create it now.
What would happen to the society if that one person disappeared.
Would the world fall apart in turmoil?
Or would a new one person show up?
create a world where society follows just one person and what ever that person did was the “thing to do.”
Create a character that could exist in a cartoon world.
what kinds of crazy things can this charater do?
what makes them better than other cartoon characters?
Write a story that is based in catholic dogma.
Take the world from yesterday and write a story in it. if you did not create a world from yesterday create it now.
what happens to the main charater when they change there name?
is the name they choose something they see good for others? does it end up turning out bad for them because of it?
Create a world in which what a person is called affects the person and there lives.
Write a story where the main character wakes up one day having one thing in their life they regreted.
how does this one change affect there lives? (winning the game, turns there life into something worse. getting the girl, they find they regret it now.)
how can you add more twists into the story?